to plungeは、「(……に)飛び込む、突入する、突っ込む」。
○Practical Example
“Did you have a swim, Kitajima?”
“Yes, it was so hot, I just plunged right in the pool.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“I wanted to learn Korean, so I plunged right into an intensive course.”
“That’s the way to do it, Gordon. You did the right thing to take the plunge.”
to take the plungeは、「思い切ってやる」 Extra Extra Exampleで用例を示す。
☆Extra Extra Example
“Did Saburo finally ask Rumiko to marry him?”
“Yep. He took the plunge and proposed. But she told him to go jump in a lake.”
to jump in a lakeは、口語表現で、「黙りなさい、出て行け」。