本日のGetUpEnglishも、ちょっと趣向を変えて、RareJobでレッスンしたTOEFL Speaking Trainingから紹介します。
What was the best concert you saw? What made this concert great? Give reasons and details to expound on your answer.
Last month I saw the concert of Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood.
Eric Clapton is now sixty seven years old, and Steve Winwood is now sixty two years old. Even though they are now much older, they are still able to play spectacularly.
I was truly impressed with Clapton’s superb guitar playing as well as Winwood’s great voice (vocals).
They formed a legendary band called Blind Faith in1960’s.
The concert that I attended was part of their reunion tour since they got together. So many people, especially for those that are part of the older generation like me, were excited to see their great concert.
So for me, it was one of the best concerts I’d ever seen.