complacency, complacenceは「自己満足、ひとりよがり」。
○Practical Example
"We may be winning, but there's no room for complacency."
"That’s right, Yohei. There's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip."
There's many a slip 'twixt (the) cup and (the) lip. はことわざで「コップを口に持っていく間にいくらもしくじりは起こる(油断大敵)」のこと。'twixtはbetweenの古い形のbetwixt.
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
Some day, the voices of the hibakusha will no longer be with us to bear witness. But the memory of the morning of Aug. 6, 1945, must never fade. That memory allows us to fight complacency. It fuels our moral imagination. It allows us to change.
☆Extra Extra Point
昨日、一昨日と紹介したKazuo IshiguroのNobel lectureにもこの表現があった。
★Extra Extra Example
But now, looking back, the era since the fall of the Berlin Wall seems like one of complacency, of opportunities lost. Enormous inequalities – of wealth and opportunity – have been allowed to grow, between nations and within nations. In particular, the disastrous invasion of Iraq in 2003, and the long years of austerity policies imposed on ordinary people following the scandalous economic crash of 2008, have brought us to a present in which Far Right ideologies and tribal nationalisms proliferate.