


毎日更新! GetUpEnglish Updates Every Day! Since April 1, 2006 (c) 2006-2025 Uesugi Hayato(上杉隼人)


2017-12-30 08:19:13 | G



Practical Example

  The top-ranking government official branded as "totally groundless" a newspaper report that he had been paid off by foreign lobbyists.


Extra Point


Extra Example

Humanity has come up with many negative stereotypes of Americans, some of them not entirely groundless: the widely held belief, for example, that Americans don't get out much. I admit the truth of that one as an American myself — albeit an American who now lives in Asia — because I certainly did drag my feet on getting a passport and getting out there in the world at first. Perhaps I can take comfort in the fact that no less a colossus of American letters began his international travels even later than I did, though when he did get around to it, he got even more out of it:


 このa colossus of American lettersとはMark Twainのことである。



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