lip-sync(h), もしくはpipsync(h)は、自動詞で「(テレビで)口パクで歌う」、他動詞で「口パクでしゃべる、あてレコする」。
現在、鋭意翻訳中のStar Wars大図鑑Moviemaking Magic of Star Wars: Creatures & Aliensに以下の表現があった。
While Revenge of the Sith’s practical creatures were created using the same tried and tested techniques—prosthetics, animatronics, body suits, slip-on masks and hands—used by Stuart Freeborn and Nick Dudman, Elsey’s creatures benefited from increasing advancements in technology.
These made room for more sophisticated mechanics beneath the masks, allowing the faces to show an even greater range of expression. They also provided for more sophisticated lipsynching so characters actually appeared to be speaking rather than just opening and closing their mouths.
祝! Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, アカデミー賞受賞!
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: The Junior Novelも緊急翻訳刊行決定!