Steven Millhauser(1943- )は大好きな作家のひとりだ。
現在、ミルハウザーの最新短篇集Voices in the Night(2015)を読んでいるが、これもすばらしい。
本日のGetUpEnglishはそのなかの一篇 “A Recent on Our Recent Trouble”から引用してみる。
The answer, we have concluded,lies not in our failure to live up to a high code of conduct―not in the realm of failure at all―but in the very qualities of our town that we think of as deserving praise. By this we don't mean to suggest that our town is a sham,that beneath our well-groomed surface is a hidden darkness―a rot at the heart of things. Such an explanation we find naïve,even childish. It suggests that by the simple act of tearing off a mask we can expose the hideous truth beneath―a truth that,once revealed,will no longer have the power to harm us. Such an analysis strikes us as banal and consoling. Our town,we maintain,is in fact the excellent place we've always found it to be. It is precisely the nature of this excellence that we wish to examine more closely.