『STAR WARS スター・ウォーズ ライトセーバー大図鑑』、6月1日から予約が受付開始され、アマゾンでは一時期、総合売り上げで22位まで上昇しました。
「反乱者たち』(2014-2018)や「クローン・ウォーズ」(2008-2020)「マンダロリアン」(2019-)だけでなく、アクション・ゲーム『Star Wars ジェダイ:フォールン・オーダー』(2019)、『ベイダー・イモータル スター・ウォーズVRシリーズ』(2020)、ウォルト・ディズニー・ワールドのアトラクション「スター・ウォーズ:ギャラクシーズ・エッジ」、話題の新シリーズ『スター・ウォーズ:ハイ・リパブリック(Star Wars: The High Republic)』に登場するセーバーまで盛り込んだ充実の1冊を、原書と同じ判型、同じ折込式レイアウトを再現し、同程度の価格で提供します。
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『STAR WARS スター・ウォーズ ライトセーバー大図鑑』
ダニエル・ウォーレス (著), ルーカス・リスコ (イラスト), ライアン・ヴァレ (イラスト), 上杉 隼人 (翻訳)
2,700円(税別)/ 156ページ / A4変形判 / 上製
Drug-sniffing police dogs from around Virginia are being forced into early retirement as the state prepares to legalize adult recreational use of marijuana on July 1
Asking dogs to follow their noses won't work anymore in states that have legalized marijuana.
As Virginia prepares to legalize adult possession of up to an ounce of marijuana on July 1, drug-sniffing police dogs from around the state are being forced into early retirement, following a trend in other states where legalization has led to K-9s being put out to pasture earlier than planned.
put out to pastureは「追い出す、解雇する」
〇Practical EXample
"I think 55 is too young to be put out to pasture."
"After leaving the publisher, I want to be an accomplished pâtissier."
In Virginia, the rush to take marijuana-detecting dogs out of service began even before lawmakers voted last month to accelerate the timetable for legalization. A separate law that went into effect in March prohibits police from stopping or searching anyone based solely on the odor of marijuana.
Virginia state police are retiring 13 K-9s, while many smaller police departments and sheriff’s offices are retiring one or two dogs. Most are in the process of purchasing and training new dogs to detect only illicit drugs, including cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines. Some departments are unable to afford up to $15,000 to buy and train a new dog, so they are disbanding their K-9 units.
The dogs trained on multiple drugs alert in the same way for all of them, so it's impossible to tell whether they are indicating the presence of marijuana or an illicit drug. The dogs also cannot distinguish between a small, legal amount of marijuana or a larger, still-illegal amount of the drug. For police, that means they can no longer be used to establish probable cause for a search.
“We won't use our dogs trained in marijuana because that could be a defense an attorney would raise for a client, to say, 'Which odor did the K-9 alert on — was it marijuana or was it an illegal drug?" said Bedford County Sheriff Mike Miller.