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Big Tech vs. the news

2021-06-16 08:19:08 | 英語学習法

 レアジョブ英会話のDaily News Articleは勉強になる。



Big Tech vs. the news

The Australian government is in the middle of a fight with Big Tech companies Google and Facebook over the future of news in Australia. What’s it all about?

In two words: advertising money. In the digital age, advertisers have increasingly shifted to Google and Facebook, which give them more bang for the buck than news sites.

 bang for the buckは「払った金に見合う価値[サービス, 商品]」(コンパスローズ英和辞典)だ。


 bang for the buck / bæŋ fər ðə bʌk / (idiom) – value in return for money spent

 Example: I recommend this laptop; it gives you the best bang for the buck.

With their advertising revenue falling off a cliff, and desperate to grow their reader base, news companies can’t refuse to sell stories to Google and Facebook.

On the other hand, the amount the tech giants pay doesn’t make up for the ad shortfall.

For every ad dollar spent in Australia, around 30 cents goes to Google and Facebook, according to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

Both sides need each other: Google and Facebook need news providers’ content; news providers need Google and Facebook to point readers their way.

That should add up to a win-win situation that sees news sites getting paid what they’re worth. But the tech giants are in a much stronger bargaining position: If a news site doesn’t give them content, they can simply look elsewhere.

The Australian commission wants to introduce a code to make sure that the country’s media companies are not at a disadvantage when they bargain with Google and Facebook.

“The aim of the code is to address the uneven bargaining position between Australian news media businesses and the big digital platforms who have clear market power,” said Rod Sims, the commission’s chairman.

The two tech firms are fighting back in the war of words, threatening to withdraw from Australia. This may be an empty bluff, but other countries are sure to be watching what happens in Australia very closely. (T)



 bluff / blʌf / (n.) – an attempt to make another person believe that one will do something without any intention of really doing it

 Example: He said he’d quit his job if he didn’t get a raise, but it was only a bluff.

This article was provided by The Japan Times Alpha.

 ニュースもThe Japan Times Alphaなどから提供を受けているので、学習者向きに編集されていることもあるのでありがたい。わたしが大学生の頃には絶対に手に入らなかった学習素材がこうして無料で手に入るのだ。



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