『マンダロリアン 公式アートブック』は校了し、12月8日の発売を待つばかりだ。
本日のGetUpEnglishも、昨日につづいて、『マンダロリアン シーズン1 公式アートブック』の著者、フィル・ショスタクへのわたしのインタビュー依頼文と、それに対する英語便の添削とコメントを紹介する。
『マンダロリアン シーズン1 公式アートブック』の翻訳も実に楽しかった。そのことを、わたしは次のように述べた。
I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that I am very happy to have had a chance to translate your masterpiece, Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian (Season One), I had been enjoying learning a lot from you about Star Wars and its culture.
I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that I am very happy to have had a chance to translate your masterpiece, Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian (Season One), I had been enjoyed learning a lot from you about Star Wars and its culture.
Simple past tense here as you have not made reference to any other past tense event. You need two past tenses events in order to use the past perfect tense, with one event taking place before the other. "I live in England now but I lived in Yokohama, Japan for a few years and I had lived in Omiya, Saitama for several years before that."
翻訳を何冊かかかえていて、「『マンダロリアン シーズン1 公式アートブック』を訳していた時は楽しくいろんなことを学んだ」と言いたくて、過去完了形を使ってしまったのだが、この説明にあるとおり、過去完了を使う時はふたつの過去を表す言い方が必要で、"I live in England now but I lived in Yokohama, Japan for a few years and I had lived in Omiya, Saitama for several years before that."の例文にあるように、過去の時制において、「時間の差」を示す形で使われるのが普通だ。
I am happy to inform you that I have already finished translating the text and finished proofreading with expert editors at Graphic Publishing, which is one of the most respected publishers in Japan. And the book will be released in December 8th.
I am happy to inform you that I have already finished translating the text and finished proofreading with expert editors at Graphic Publishing, which is one of the most respected publishers in Japan. And The book will be released in on December 8th.
in December 8th → on December 8th は単純ミスだが、
And the book will be released in December 8th.のAndを取った修正にご注目いただきたい。英語便の説明はこうだ。
Begin this sentence with "the" rather than "and." "And" is a conjunction, used to connect clauses within longer sentences. We do + something + and + something else. Whenever possible, we try not to begin sentences with "and," especially in cases such as here when it's really not necessary at all.
明日も『マンダロリアン シーズン1 公式アートブック』の著者、フィル・ショスタクへのわたしのインタビュー依頼文と、それに対する英語便の添削とコメントを紹介する。