to revereは、「崇敬する、あがめる、敬う、尊ぶ」。
○Practical Example
“I revere the memory of Albert Einstein. To me he was the greatest scientist of the 20th century.”
“Well, Enrico, I agree. But who will be the Einsteins of this century?”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Reverence for Einstein is fine, but let’s concentrate on the future.”
“I agree. There’s nothing more important than science education today.”
to conspireは「(徒党を組んで)陰謀を企てる、共謀する」。名詞形はconspiracy(共謀、陰謀、謀議).まずは、名詞の使い方を紹介する。
○Practical Example
“There is a conspiracy between those two countries to start a war against their neighbor.”
“I hope it doesn’t happen. There has been so much war there in the past.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Those two countries are conspiring to start a war.”
“That’s very dangerous for all of us. They must not do it.”
○Practical Example
“Shirley married a real brute. He yells at her all the time.”
“That’s awful. She should get a divorce right away.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Let me be brutally honest with you, Arlene. You are failing Japanese.”
“Oh no! Please, professor, don’t fail me!”
「ああ、なんてこと! 先生、お願いです、どうか落とさないでください!」
○Practical Example
“Is it fitting for me to meet the prime minister wearing jeans like this?”
“It’s okay, Jerry. The prime minister’s a cool guy. He won’t mind.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“No, it’s not fitting. I’m going to change into a suit.”
“Well, actually it’s probably better. The prime minister will also be wearing a suit.”
○Practical Example
“I thought you were at the office last night, Jerry.”
“I was. Uh, my mobile wasn’t working last night.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Bush was in office from January 2001 till January 2009.”
“It’s only eight years, but it seems like much longer.”
○Practical Example
“How was the oral exam with Prof. Umehara, Arlene?”
“He subjected me to a two-hour exam. It was really difficult.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“I was subjected to a two-hour exam by Prof. Umehara.”
“But you did really well on it, didn’t you, Arlene?”