sign languageは「手話」。
○Practical Example
"These days a lot of news programs are also given in sign language."
"It really helps people who are deaf or hard of hearing."
●Extra Point
to be signedと受身形で使われることは以前はあまりなかったが、最近はよく目にする。
◎Extra Examples
"Is the evening news program signed in your country?"
"On some channels it is. But all channels should start doing it, I think."
With the warmest wishes to you all!
Today, 1 April 2007, marks the first anniversary of GetUpEnglish.
I want to thank all of the people who have come to this site to learn English.
I have a great passion for all language learning, and it is one of the biggest hopes of my life that Japanese people learn foreign languages proficiently.
If during this past year I have been able to help you any way at all in your English-language studies, then I am very very happy.
Thank you again, and please keep clicking on GetUpEnglish in the coming year.
With the warmest wishes to you all!