to make a sceneで、「大騒ぎをする、醜態をさらす」。
○Practical Example
"Mr. Abe was making a scene at the restaurant. I was so embarrassed."
"Me too. He started shouting at the poor waitress because she didn't put enough ice in his whisky."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Mr. Abe made a big scene at the restaurant, complaining in a loud voice."
"Oh God, I could have dug a hole and jumped in it, I was so embarrassed."
日本語では「穴があったら入りたい」と言うが、細かい部分違うものの、to dig a hole and jump inは、この日本語表現に似ている。面白いことに(interestingly[GetUpEnglishの2007/03/29をご参照ください)、日本語を話す人も、英語を話す人も、恥ずかしい時は穴に入りたいと思うようだ。