英語の辞書を発行する大手出版社などが毎年「今年の言葉」を発表しているが、Merriam WebsterとDictionary.comの2社は2020年にもっとも検索された語としてpandemicを選んだ。
一方Oxford Dictionaryはコロナウイルスに関する状況が日々変わり、検索語もめまぐるしく変わったので、「ひとつの語に絞れない」とした。
NEW YORK (AP) — In the land of lexicography, out of the whole of the English language, 2020's word of the year is a vocabulary of one.
For the first time, two dictionary companies on Monday — Merriam-Webster and Dictionary.com — declared the same word as their tops: pandemic. A third couldn't settle on just one so issued a 16-page report instead along the same lines, noting that a world of once-specialized terms entered the mainstream during the COVID-19 crisis.
The year, Oxford Languages said in the report last week, “brought a new immediacy and urgency to the role of the lexicographer. In almost real-time, lexicographers were able to monitor and analyze seismic shifts in language data and precipitous frequency rises in new coinages."
precipitousは「崖のような, 断崖絶壁の, 切り立った」(研究社「大英和」)だが、ここでは「急激な」の意味。
○Practical Example
The dollar plunged precipitously.
まさしく以下のOxford社の代表的辞書のひとつOxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryの定義と用例が参考になる。
[C, U] a word or phrase that has been invented recently; the process of inventing a word or phrase
- new coinages
[C, U]はcountable(可算)もuncountable(不可算)でも使われるということ。