The Austrian village of Fucking is changing its name, the mayor of the municipality where it is located said on Thursday, after residents apparently grew tired of the sniggers it prompted in the English-speaking world and of visitors stealing its signs.
1. What prompted you to write this book? As the situation around machine learning or artificial intelligence has been continuously changing, did you have to rectify your plan or strategy while you were writing?
The village, part of the municipality of Tarsdorf, north of Salzburg and near the German border, has long been a figure of fun in English-speaking media, which have gleefully reported local exasperation at signs being removed.
a figure of funは「笑いの対象」。
In 2018 the pornographic website Pornhub said it was offering free premium access to residents of Fucking and towns with names such as Titz, Germany or Big Beaver, Pennsylvania, in the United States.
free premium accessは「無料の特別アクセス権」
Titzは発音から「乳首」を連想させる。東京工業大学の英語名はTokyo Institute of Technologyで、MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)のように略称を使おうとしたが、同じ問題で使えず、略称はTokyo-Techとしている。
日本の近畿大学も英語表記を「KINDAI UNIVERSITY」に変更したことがあった。英語が主流言語になってしまっているいまの状況では、どれも賢明な処置かもしれない。