red herringは「燻製ニシン」であるが、「人の注意を他へそらすもの、人を惑わすような情報」の意味で日常的に使われる。
〇Practical Example
The clue turned out to be a red herring, Obi-Won.
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
Both the beard and the queen are in fact red herrings. Joanne Snow-Smith was making unsubstantiated claims about Hollar’s relationship with Henrietta Maria. There is no indication in her book of what her ‘research’ might be – no reference, no footnote. While it is true that the former queen fled back to France in the wake of the Civil War, there is no evidence that Hollar ever travelled there; none that he met Henrietta Maria there; and also no sign that he ever gave her proofs of his print. Consequently, the Salvator Mundi may have held no particular significance for Henrietta Maria.
