○Practical Example
"I like Giacometti’s paintings."
"Me too. His paintings are famous for their delicate quality."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I was attracted by Junko’s delicacy."
"Yes, she is always so sensitive and kind to everyone."
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Exta Example
"My son is so delicate that he gets colds frequently."
"Don’t worry, Mrs. Yoshioka. Kids will be healthy and robust as they grows up."
今日のGetUpEnglishでは、"I'm all right, Jack."という表現を学習する。
○Practical Example
"Stuart doesn't care what other people feel."
"Yes. All he thinks is "I'm all right, Jack."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"If it's a matter of "I'm all right, Jack," then people think everything is fine. Too many think like that today."
"We have to change the way of thinking now."
the bee’s kneeは「ハチのひざ」であるが、これは「最高だ、とびきりすぐれている」という意味でよく使われる。
○Practical Example
"I can't stand the guy. He thinks he's the bee's knees."
"Don't pay any attention to Kagawa. Nobody thinks he is cool."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I think it's a very stupid idea. To my surprise, however, the boss seems to think it's the bee's knees."
"I strongly recommend you tell him your idea gently."
to be taken abackで、「不意を討たれる、めんくらう、ぎょっとする」。
○Practical Example
"I was taken aback by her unusual question."
"But you must answer any questions because you are a teacher, Yasushi."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"The sudden arrival of our dinner guests took me aback."
"Did you have time to finish cooking before they arrived, Kana?"
2009年9月9日、The Beatlesのremaster版がまとめて発売されました。ということで、本日のGetUpEnglishでは、remasterという語を学習します。
○Practical Example
"Jimmy remastered their sound source for the first time since 1999. "
"I am really looking forward to hearing their new remastered sound."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"The Beatles, the biggest band in rock history, sees their original catalogue digitally remastered for the first time."
"Great! I want to listening “Rubber Soul” with improved sound."
「 ビートルズは、ロック界における最大のバンドだが、はじめて彼らのアルバムがデジタル・リマスターされることになった」
「すごい! 『ラバー・ソウル』をいい音で聴きたいね」
○Practical Example
"Announcement: We are now beginning our descent into Tokyo International Airport. Please fasten your seat belt."
"We haven't been to Tokyo since 1965. It's been a long time."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Jack and Maureen, both Roman Catholics of Irish descent, were raised in Queens."
"And they married in June 1986 when he was thirty-nine and she was thirty."
Roman Catholicは、「(ローマ)カトリック教徒」。
○Practical Example
"We are already behind in our job, Paul.
"I know, George. We must finish in no more than three days."
●Extra Point
a bit behindで「少し遅れている」。
◎Extra Example
"We are a bit behind in our work, Keith."
"Don’t worry, Mick. We can finish it by tomorrow."
○Practical Example
"I want to develop a good command of English."
"If that's what you want, constant practice is of the essence."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"In emergency operation, cool nerves are of the essence."
"Dr. Shindo definitely has that and does his best work when things get difficult."
2007/09/27のGetUpEnglishでは、「(契約・免許などを)更新する」「……の期間を延長する」という意味のto renewの表現を紹介した。
今日のGetUpEnglishでは、「最新のものにする、更新[改訂]する」という意味のto updateという表現を学習する。これはもはや日本語でも「アップデートする」という形でよく使われていると思う。
○Practical example
"He updates his blog every day since he started it on April 1, 2006."
"I know. I check it every day."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Point
"Before finishing your document, call up the save menu, and save the updated version."
"Okay, I will do it without fail."
to take the consequencesで、「(自分の行為の)結果を甘受する[に責任を負う])」。
○Practical Example
"It was my fault that it happened."
"Yes. You'll have to take the consequences."
●Extra Point
to accept the consequenceという表現も使われる。
◎Extra Example
"Taro insisted on having his way."
"So, he must accept the consequences now."
これはよく使われる表現だ。better safe than sorryは、直訳すれば、「残念に思うのであれば、安全なほうがいい」。
○Practical Example
"Take some extra cash, Noriko. Better safe than sorry."
"But I don't have any more money. Can you give me some extra?"
●Extra Point
Better to be safe than sorryという言い方もよくする。
◎Extra Example
"If you're going out in the night, you'd better take some flashlights and extra batteries."
"Yes. Better to be safe than sorry."
to rip offは、「(人)から法外な代金を取る、ぼる」。
○Practical Example
"We really got ripped off at that nightclub in Kitasenju. They charged us 5,000 yen for a bottle of beer!"
"That’s too bad. You should never go there again."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"You had better not drop in at the bar in Kitasenju."
"I know. The place is a real rip-off."
2009/05/27のGetUpEnglishでは、to make the point thatという表現を学習しました。
今日のGetUpEnglishでは、to make a point of…という表現を学習します。
to make a point of…で、「決まって[必ず]……する」。普通はto make a point of …ingの形で用いられる。
○Practical Example
"Uncle Roy didn't have much money, but he always made a point of buying presents for his kid brother and kid sister."
"Roy is the kindest fellow I’ve ever known."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Jimmy is late. Does he know about the meeting?"
"Yes, he does. I made a point of calling him."
a turnoff, あるいはa turn-offは、「興味をなくすもの、いやなもの」。
○Extra Example
"I like rock music. Japanese ballads are a complete turn-off."
"But Saburo Kitajima is one of the greatest singers here in Japan."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Dad took me to the festival of Japanese ballads. I thought it would be a turnoff, but while listening to the music I got lost in the sound of the singers' beautiful voices."
"Yeah. Good music in any genre absolutely attracts you."
to wriggle out of...は、「[けなして] (困難など)をうまく切り抜ける」。
○Practical Example
"Takashi is always trying to wriggle out of doing his share of the work."
"Yes. He's as cunning as a fox."
(as) sly as a foxで、「ずる賢い、抜け目ない」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"How did you wriggle out of doing that job?"
"Are you being sarcastic? I'm so busy now that I just don't have time."
「それは皮肉かい? いまとても忙して、それをする時間がないだけだよ」