right and leftは「右に左に」であるが、「そこにもここにも、いたるところに、あちこちで」、さらには「何やかやと、片っ端から、次から次へと」いった意味でも使われるので、注意が必要だ。
○Practical Example
"The starting pitcher of the Giants seems to be tired."
"Yes. The batters of the Dragons began hitting his pitches right and left."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"At the Louis Vuitton shop at Ginza, Suzanne bought things right and left."
"She has a great financial supporter."
☆Extra Extra Example
★Extra Extra Example
"With characters in the Resident Evil series dying off right and left, why wouldn’t you bring back one of the few survivors?"
"Milla Jovovich has now come out and confirmed that lovely Sienna Guillory will indeed appear in Resident Evil: Afterlife as Jill Valentine. Milla tweeted this today."
シエ ンナ・ギロリー演じるジル・バレンタインが『バイオハザード』に復活!