for the most partは、「大部分は、たいてい、大体(は)」。
○Practical Example
“For the most part, I like traveling. Don’t you, Mr. Cook?”
“Yes, I do, Herb. Except for all the packing and waiting and flying and moving around.”
●Extra Point
generally(「一般に、広く」「概して、大体、大抵」)やgenerally speaking(一般的に言って、概して[言えば])も同じような意味で使われる。
◎Extra Example
“Do you like traveling, Mr. Cook?”
“Generally speaking, I do. Except for all the packing and waiting and flying and moving around.”
to make demands on someoneで、「(やむをえない)要求をする」「必要[負担](となるもの)をお願いする」。「あまりありがたくない」という気持ちがほのめかされる。
○Practical Example
“The boss is making demands on me.”
“On me, too. He wants me to stay at the office until nine tonight.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“Prof. Hatoyama’s course is very demanding.”
“He makes us read 10 novels, but otherwise we wouldn’t read them.”
to takeを使った表現はすでにGetUpEnglishでいくつか紹介した。今日はto take outという表現を学習しよう。to take outは、まず「……を取り出す、持ち出す」という意味で使われる。
○Practical Example
“Take out the rubbish, honey, will you? Today is rubbish day.”
“Sure, I’ll take it out, darling. But later. I’m busy now.”
●Extra Point
to take outは、「人を[散歩や食事などに]連れ出す」という意味でもよく使われる。
◎Extra Example
“Oh, honey, are you going to take me out to a restaurant today?”
“No, darling. When I said I was going to take you out, I meant to the store to buy a new lawn mower.”
☆Extra Extra Point
to take outは、非常におそろしい意味もある。「…を破壊する、やっつける」とか、「(人を)殺す」という意味で使われる。なので、誰かにto take outしてやると言われた時は、どの意味なのかしっかり判断しよう。
★Extra Extra Example
“The cops took out that criminal last night at his home.”
“Yeah, I heard there was a real gun fight.”
○Practical Example
"You have been so generous to me while I've been in Tohoku, Mrs. Date."
"It's been a pleasure, Doris. Please come again anytime."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"You have shown me so much generosity while I've been here, Mrs. Date."
"You were very generous to me and my husband when we were in Cleveland, Doris."
one-way(片道の)もround-trip(往復の)も旅行や出張に関する英語表現。どちらも形容詞として用いられ、one-way, round-tripと普通はハイフンが入る。
○Practical Example
"I would like a one-way ticket to Nara, please."
"That will be 560 yen, please."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"How much is a round-trip ticket to Himeiji?"
"It's 3600 yen. You can purchase the ticket from the ticket vending machine over there."
○Practical Example
"I have an urgent request. I must see the doctor this morning."
"I'm sorry, the doctor is busy this morning. Can you please come tomorrow?"
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I must see the doctor urgently. I think I may have appendicitis."
"Please go urgently to the hospital. The doctor is too busy to see you this morning."
to addは、一つには「(他のものに)加える、追加する」という意味で使われる。
○Practical Example
"Do you have anything to add to your apology, Miss Sawaramachi?"
"No, Prof. Gerkoff. I missed my train to Tokyo because of the typhoon. That's all."
●Extra Point
形容詞additional (付加的な、追加の)。例を挙げる。
◎Extra Example
"Can you give me some additional information about the typhoon, Miss Sawaramachi?"
"Well, Prof. Gerkoff, it hit Kyoto just when I was arriving at the station."
○Practical Example
"Wearing sunglass on top of one's head is very fashionable now."
"Yeah, I know, Ray. But it looks so stupid!"
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Mr. Ban, don't you own a pair of sunglasses?"
"No, I don't, Ray. I know it's unfashionable not to own sunglasses. But I hate sunglasses, even in summer."
to have no choiceは、「ほかに(採りうる)道のない」の意味で用いられる。
○Practical Example
"Why did you come home early, Keizo?"
"I had no choice. I was so sad after Birgitte left me."
●Extra Point
to have no choice but toと、短くしないで言うこともよくある。
◎Extra Example
"You could have stayed and finished your PhD, Keizo."
"No, I couldn't. I had no choice but to return to Japan. Leave me alone!"
○Practical Example
"Keizo and Birgitte had a brief affair in Cophenhagen."
"Brief? It lasted for two years!"
「短いあいだ? 2年もつづいたのに!」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Briefly, tell me about your time in Copenhagen, Keizo."
"Well, I came back to Japan after two years. I never got my PhD."
subsequentは、「その次の、続いて起こる」「あとの、その後の」。subsequentの中に、seqがあることに注目。seqは、the following(追いかける人、もの)を意味するラテン語で、sequence(連続、続発)などの語にも見られる。
○Practical Example
"The earthquake in Niigata was horrible."
"Yes. And the subsequent problems at the nuclear plant were also horrible."
●Extra Point
副詞subsequently(その後、後に、 続いて)もよく使われる。
◎Extra Example
"I finished university in Japan and subsequently went to graduate school in Denmark."
"Did you have a nice time there, Keizo?"
to concentrateは、「(努力などを)集中する」。
○Practical Example
"Will you shut off that music, Hitoshi! I can't concentrate."
"Sorry, mum. What are you working on?"
●Extra Point
何に集中しているのか、目的語が言及される場合、to concentrate on…を使い、onのあとにそのことやものが示される。
◎Extra Example
"I'm concentrating on getting this job done by tomorrow."
"Aren't you going to make dinner for me?"
すでにGetUpEnglishでは、to takeを使った表現をいくつか紹介してきた。今日もこれを使ったよく聞く表現を学習する。to take upの意味の一つに、「(仕事・趣味などを)始める、(……に)従事する」がある。
○Practical Example
"What have you been doing with yourself lately, Daisuke?"
"I've taken up fishing, Mr. Ebihara. It's really great fun."
"What have you been doing with yourself?"は、相手が何をしているか尋ねるのに便利な表現。
●Extra Point
to take up with someoneで、「……と仲よくなる」。誰かと定期的に会うようになることを表現できる。
◎Extra Example
"What have you been doing lately, Daisuke?"
"I've taken up with Chie again. We broke up last year, but I realized that I still love her."
○Practical Example
"I'll be in Kyoto in the autumn, Junko. Would you be my guide?"
"Sure, Mr. Hagi. Do you know what month you'll be coming?"
●Extra Point
動詞で使われると、「(人を)(道)案内する」「(観光客を)ガイドする」。「案内する」という日本語もそうだと思うが、to guideという英語表現は、「案内する人は、ほかの人が観光中に一緒にいなければならない」ということまで強制はしない。
◎Extra Example
"I'm coming to Kyoto tomorrow, Junko."
"I can guide you to Ohara tomorrow, but I can't stay there. I've got an appointment in the city at noon."