start to...とbegin to...は「…しはじめる」であり、英日翻訳でも基本的にそのように処理すればよいが、時どき違う言い方をしたいこともある。
My daughter had a close shave at her school yesterday. The boy sitting next to her came down with food poisoning just before she started to eat school lunch.
close shaveはclose callと同じで「間一髪の脱出[回避]」
"We started to harbor doubts about him because of his unnatural behavior."
"She was taking the mickey out of the guy, whom she kept referring to as “salary bum.”
"I started to join in."
"If I work in my office only, then only my colleagues know about me, my abilities, and my skills. However, if I travel around the country or overseas, then other people will also begin to recognize my talents. This might mean that new career opportunities become available to me, and I might get head-hunted."
"Exactly. You can raise your profile."
not begin to...の言い方もあわせて覚えておこう。