現在、いくつか英日翻訳を進行しているが、トマス・J・デロング『Flying Without a Net 命綱なしで飛べ!』(仮題、2023年刊行予定、サンマーク出版)を目下いちばん集中していて進めている。
For most, though, it’s not enough to be a well-paid professional in a prestigious organization. In and of themselves, these factors don’t confer significance. Even if they are well-paid members of a top organization, professionals can rationalize their salaries and perks and believe they are simply benefiting from a kind boss who can’t bear to tell them they don’t matter or that they’ve pulled the wool over management’s eyes.
in an of oneself: それ自体。
○Practical Example
"That, to me, would be a major accomplishment in and of itself, Whatever other legislation might have to be pushed to the back burner."
●Extra Point
pull [draw] the wool over sb's eyes: 人の目をくらます、だます。
◎Extra Example
"You can't pull the wool over my eyes, Sam. I've been around, you know."