It just so happens that~は慣用句で、「たまたま~する」。
○Practical Example
“After seeing a book review about Jory Fleming’s book in Nihon Keizai Shumbun, I became curious about it.”
“It just so happens that I have the book here.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
Also, don’t just tell me. Persuade me. But how do you persuade me? I’m glad you asked. It just so happens that someone has thought of that before. His name was Aristotle, and he lived in Athens in the fourth century BC, where he studied under Plato, before coming up with a few ideas of his own.
そしてただわたしに伝えればいいというものではない。わたしを説得しなければならない。でもどうやって? よくぞたずねてくれました。すでにそれを考えた人がいるのだ。その人の名前はアリストテレス、紀元前四世紀にアテネでプラトンに師事した後、いくつかアイデアを思いついた。