nonessentialは、「本質的でない、 肝要でない」。今日のGetUpEnglishでは、この形容詞を学習しよう。
○Practical Example
"The economy is still in recession."
"Yeah. Our only option is to cut all nonessential spending to get through this difficult situation."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"When dealing with security, we must learn to identify important services from nonessential ones."
"Yes. Focusing on nonessential services might pose security threats. We must do the important things first."
○Practical Example
"Please remember that good customer relations are maintained on a day-to-day basis."
"Yes. I will take your advice to heart."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"After retiring from day-to-day management for his company, Steve is actively dispensing charity."
"I know. He has launched a project to build a school for some underprivileged children in Africa."
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"I hear that publisher is in a precarious day-to-day situation."
"Yeah. The more the company struggles to get by, the deeper it sinks in debt."
to lamは「逃げる、ずらかる」。そして名詞も同形で、on the lamという形でよく使われる。これは、「(特に警察の手から)逃走中で、高飛びして」という意味の俗語だ。
○Practical Example
"There's a guy here this ferry terminal who claims he's on the lam from the cops."
"OK. Call the police now."
●Extra Point
to take it on the lamという言い方もよくする。
◎Extra Example
"The criminal seemed to take it on the lam, before we came here, Ukyo-san."
"He must have left evidence at the crime scene. Search everything, Kanbe-kun."
to place A above Bで、「BよりAを優先する」。
○Practical Example
"Kishi places money above friendship."
"I know. He'll do anything for money."
●Extra Point
to place A before Bも同じ意味でよく使われる。
◎Extra Example
"Mrs. Yoshioka places her job before everything else."
"Yes. She's a dreadful person who would do anything for her position."
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"Mr. Kakashi always put his duty before everything else."
"Yes. He is an outstanding ninja and a credit to our village."
before you can say Jack Robinsonは、直訳すれば、「ジャック・ロビンソンと言い終わる前に」であるが、これは「あっという間に、すごい速さで」という意味でよく使われる。
柴田元幸監訳『英語クリーシェ辞典 もんきりがた表現集』(研究社)には、「楽天的にものを言うときに使われるのが普通」と記されている。
○Practical Example
"I’ll beat you before you can say Jack Robinson, Itachi."
"You can’t, Sasuke. You won't stand half a chance against me."
half a chanceは「少しのチャンス」であるが、否定文で使われることが多く、to stand half a chance againstで、「……に勝てるチャンス[見込み]は少しもない」という意味になる。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Whatever you do, don't lose your temper, Steve. That can nix the business deal faster than you can say Jack Robinson."
"All right, Woz."
☆Extra Extra Point
faster than one[you] can say Jack Robinsonという言い方もよくする。
★Extra Extra Example
"Where is Mr. Nagase?"
"When we pay the bill, he always disappears faster than one can say Jack Robinson."
さて、なぜJack Robinsonという人名が使われるのか? 『英語クリーシェ辞典』には、以下の大変ありがたい情報が掲載されている。
「ジャック・ロビンソンが何者かについては、 多くの憶測はあるものの定説はない。 活字として登場したもっとも古い例は、 ファニー・バーニーの小説 『エヴリーナ』 (Fanny Burney, Evelina, 1778) のなかの 'I'd do it as soon as say Jack Robinson.' (電光石火、 またたく間に片付けてやるぜ。) John Smith などという名と同じで、 名も姓もごくありふれたものだから広まったにすぎない、 という説も有望。 クリーシェになったのはおそらく19世紀で、 今日も広く使われる」
wet behind the earsは、「(まだ)未熟で、不慣れで、うぶで」。 今日のGetUpEnglishでは、この表現を学習しよう。
○Practical Example
"In those days, I was just a young doctor and still wet behind the ears."
"But now you are known for miles around for your skill, Jin."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Neji may have been first in his class in Hokage School, but he's still too wet behind the ears for this job."
"But I'm sure he'll rise to the task."
hot potatoは、「焼きじゃがいも」のことだが、口語表現で「(だれも処理したがらない)不快な[危険な、扱いにくい]問題」という意味でよく使われる。
○Practical Example
"The boss has handed me a real hot potato."
"Yes, I heard about it, Ben-chan. You will have to work with an author who has a lot of pride -- but no talent."
●Extra Point
to drop someone like a hot potatoで、「(やっかいな人・物事)と急いで手を切る、捨て去る」。
◎Extra Example
"I was really disappointed at Suzanne. When she found that I wasn't really rich, she dropped me like a hot potato."
"How coldhearted she is!"
by the bookで、「規則どおりに, 正式に」。
to go by the bookで、「規則どおりに行なう[ふるまう]」という意味で使われる。
○Practical Example
"Our manager seldom shows any flexibility."
"Yes. He usually goes by the book."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Our manager always goes by the book."
"Yes. He is forever complaining that we spend too much on entertainment."
☆Extra Extra Point
to play it by the book(規則[手順、決まり、型]どおりに行動する)もよく使われる。
★Extra Extra Example
"It is a very precisely timed operation, Ethan."
"It leaves no room for error. Ok, boss. I will play it by the book."
bustlingは、「にぎやかな、騒がしい」「忙しそうな、あわただしい」。tはsilent letterなので、注意しよう。
○Practical Example
"Where should we go today, Kumi-chan?"
"Let’s go to Shinjuku. It is fun to visit bustling commercial center."
●Extra Point
to bustleは、「大騒ぎする」のほか、以下のように「せわしく動き回る」という意味でも使われる。
◎Extra Example
"Harumi-san seems to be happiest today."
"Yes. She is happiest when she is bustling about in the kitchen."
body and soulは、「肉体と精神、身も心も」。そしてto keep body and soul togetherは、「やっと生きていく」という意味でよく使われる。
○Practical Example
"My parents were so poor that they had difficulty keeping body and soul together."
"But they worked hard and, thanks to them, you can go to university."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"It's all I can do to keep body and soul together now."
"But we must continue to hold on for the sake of our families, no matter how hard life becomes."
wringerは、「しぼる人、しぼり手、しぼり機」だ。したがって、to put someone through the wringerは、「誰かをしぼり機にかける」なので、「(尋問にかけるなどして相手を)きびしく取り扱う」という意味になる。
○Practical Example
"That leading publisher really puts applicants through the wringer during the final interview."
"That's true. So it's great that Kana-san survived that ordeal."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"When I was young, I was incapable worker and really put my boss through the wringer."
"Now you are one of the most elegant and prominent editors, Matsushita-san. Your great boss is gone, but he must be proud of you now."
to sagは、いろんな意味がある。
to sagは、「(皮膚・ほおなどが)たるむ」という意味でよく用いられる。
○Practical Example
"My skin has begun to sag noticeably around the mouth."
"I don’t think so, Yuri-san. You are always beautiful."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Manufacturers are facing sagging sales."
"I know. And I hear that a big manufacturer will reduce staff in order to remain competitive."
to perpetrateは、「(悪事・過失など)を犯す、しでかす」。
この動詞もto commitと同じ意味でよく使われるのですが、まだGetUpEnglishでは紹介していなかったようです。
○Practical Example
"Why did Noriko perpetrate that crime?"
"I heard she did it out of mere curiosity."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"It was reported that a manager of the company perpetrated acts of violence against a women in the street."
"That will certainly give the company a bad name."
an unidentified flying objectは、「未確認飛行物体」、すなわちUFOのことだ。
○Practical Example
"An unidentified plane is flying over the Earth."
"Keep it under observation."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"An unidentified man was found dead in the park yesterday."
"I know. And I heard he was shot through the heart."
いくつか言い方があると思いますが、to live a free and easy lifeで表現できます。
○Practical Example
"Higashi-san retired three years ago and now he is living a free and easy life."
"I envy him."
●Extra Point
to live free from worldly caresでも表現できる。
◎Extra Example
"I hear Arai-san lives free from worldly cares on his inheritance from his parents."
"He's in an enviable position."