まだこの表現も紹介していなかったようです。 今日のGetUpEnglishでは、この表現を学習しましょう。
to overcomeは「(困難など)に打ち勝つ、・・・・・・を克服する」。
○Practical Example
"I committed a grave blunder at work and landed myself in a pretty kettle of fish."
"But I am quite sure you will be able to overcome your present problems."
blunderは「へま、ミス」。そしてa pretty kettle of fishは「困った状態、いざこざ」。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Yuriko was overcome with sorrow when she heard her father had died."
"I'm so sorry for her. I know it's hard, but she will be able to overcome this loss."
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"It was really hot yesterday."
"Yes. I was overcome by the heat."