dawnは動詞としても使われ、「夜が明ける、 (空が)白む」であるが、「(ものが)現われ出す、見え出す」の意味で使われ、dawn onで「…がわかり始める」
○Practical Example
It finally dawned on us that she was lying.
dawn onは2006/9/24のGetUpEnglishですでに学習していた。
●Extra Point
Michael Jackson()の1995年の大ヒット曲 “I Just Can’t Stop Lovin You”にもこの語が印象的に使われている。
◎Extra Example
Each time the wind blows
I hear your voice so
I call your name
Whispers at morning
Our love is dawning
Heaven's glad you came
You know how I feel
This thing can't go wrong
I'm so proud to say I love you
Your love's got me high
I long to get by
This time is forever
Love is the answer
★Extra Extra Point
☆Extra Extra Example
Don't worry. It always looks blackest just before the dawning. How much longer this quarantine is, we can see the light.