RM: Seeing the stadium filled with all the fans got me really emotional, beyond words, finally meeting you, the members of the press, face to face, is so touching and it’s a real pleasure for me.
We had countless shows and awards, but the recent Artist of the Year at the AMAs and the second Grammy nomination were truly something and really did mean something for us. As an artist, we started out in Korea and limitations of our identity, language, genre and the invisible walls, we felt like they really existed but every moment we tried to give our best to every show, every performance and every music with all of our hearts and I think those small each moment truly made today’s miracle for us.
Going back on tour, going back on track and seeing all the fans and people finally in two years it really made us feel like this really is the beginning of our new chapter, and the past two years of the pandemic weren’t easy, not just for us but everyone, including the Armys, the press, for everyone. But today, we’ll try to show how much we’ve grown, how much we’ve learned through this past two years.
Q: In the US, we had to deal with the issue of Asian-hate, and your positivity obviously combated that. How do you feel about the positive role that you have taken to help Asian-hate and show a positive life to Asians and Asian Americans?
RM: About Asian hate, we always say this but we have heavy responsibility. As I said before, I wasn’t born or raised abroad. But as an Asian, through the past years and our paths, and our awards, I truly felt the wall, and the wall can’t be always described as words. Sometimes it’s visible, sometimes it’s invisible. So when we talk about Asian hate, our paths are all the awards and our music. We just hope that this can truly help every Asian in the world who live in countries abroad. If there‘s something we can help, or we can be giving of consolations, we are always open and will try to expand our value and stop discrimination. Thanks for asking that.