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“'Get Back' series dispels, and confirms, some Beatle myths”(2)

2021-12-20 08:00:10 | News

 今日のGetUpEnglishもAsahi Weekly, December 19, 2021号に紹介されたAP通信の “'Get Back' series dispels, and confirms, some Beatle myths”の記事を読んでみる。

He approached with the fear that it might be a depressing slog.

Lindsay-Hogg's film is viewed as a chronicle of the band's demise -- unfairly, in Jackson's view -- because it was released shortly after the break-up was announced. Individual Beatles reinforced the notion with negative comments about the experience, where they had given themselves a tight deadline to write and record new material in preparation of a live show, with cameras following it all.

 depressing slogは「気分が沈むような作業」slogは「長い骨折り仕事」。次のように使われる。

○Practical Example

  Translating the book took ten months of hard slog.



"The connection was incredible," drummer Ringo Starr recalled in a recent Zoom interview. "I'm an only child (but) I had three brothers. And we looked out for each other. We looked after each other. We had a few rows with each other -- that's what people do. But musically, every time we would count in -- one, two, three, four -- we were into being the best we could be."

 row(s): けんか。次のように使われる。

◎Extra Example

 I had a terrific row with his wife.


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