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“'Get Back' series dispels, and confirms, some Beatle myths”(3)

2021-12-21 08:00:10 | News

 今日のGetUpEnglishも、昨日、一昨日につづいて、Asahi Weekly, December 19, 2021号に紹介されたAP通信の “'Get Back' series dispels, and confirms, some Beatle myths”の記事を読んでみる。


That moment unfolded after a morning where Harrison watched, silently stewing, as Lennon and McCartney displayed their tight creative connection working on "Two of Us" as if the others weren't there. When a lunch break came, Harrison had something more permanent in mind.

 stew(ing): 気をもむ、やきもきする、怒る

"I'm leaving the band now," he says, almost matter-of-factly, before walking out.

After a few days, and a couple of band meetings, Harrison was coaxed to return. The morning he does, the film shows he and Lennon reading a false newspaper report that they had come to blows, and faced off in boxing stances to mock it.

 (be) coaxed to: なだめすかして〈人〉に~させようとする

Along the way, Jackson's project dispels and reinforces pieces of conventional wisdom that has solidified through the years.

 dispel(s) and reinforce(s) pieces of conventional wisdom: 従来定着した考えをはねつけたり、強化しようとする。wisdomはこの場合は「(人々の)考え」。



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