Asahi Weekly, December 19, 2021号に紹介されたAP通信の “'Get Back' series dispels, and confirms, some Beatle myths”の記事を、12月19日から読んできた。
Myth No. 1: McCartney was a control freak.
control freak: 仕切りたがり屋
Verdict: Partly true. The film shows Harrison visibly chafing at McCartney giving him and other band members instructions on how to play and cajoling them into a decision on a live concert. The band had been somewhat aimless since the 1967 death of manager Brian Epstein. McCartney had taken on the "daddy" role, and isn't entirely comfortable with it.
chafe< chafining: いらいらする。昨日紹介したstewとほぼ同義。
cajole> cajoling A into: Aを丸め込んで~をさせる。
"I'm scared of me being the boss, and I have been for a couple of years," he says. "I don't get any support."
Myth No. 2: Yoko Ono broke up the Beatles.
Verdict: Not true. She's there at virtually every recording session, but mostly as a benign force sitting next to Lennon. The other Beatle spouses all show up in the studio, although not as often. At one point, McCartney even makes a prescient joke about her.
benign force: 無害な存在
prescient joke: 将来を暗示するような冗談。prescientは「予知する」