○Practical Example
After a long chase, the Avengers brought the escaped Ultorons to bay in a cul-de-sac.
bring something [someone] to bayは「~を追い詰める」
●Extra Point
How to Be Human An Autistic Man's Guide to Life
By Jory Fleming With Lyric Winik
◎Extra Example
From Indiana, I also remember getting stuck in the snow in the front yard one time. It snowed really badly-we were at the end of a cul-de-sac and my brothers built a snow slide. I can't remember if I was using the slide or was just in the snow, but I fell down. It freaked me out because the snow was deep, I couldn’t see, and I didn’t know where I was.
freak someone out: ひどく動揺する、突然不安になる