to think throughは、「(解決・結論に至るまで)とくと考える、考え抜く」
○Practical Example
“Are you going to go to L.A., Ida?”
“I don’t know. I want to think it through before I make a decision.”
●Extra Point
to think throughは受身形でもよく使われる。
◎Extra Example
“Ida’s trip was a disaster.”
“Yeah, it wasn’t thought through enough. She should have planned it better.”
to run downは、一つには「(……へ)(ちょっと)急いで行く」という意味で使われる。
○Practical Example
“Where are you going, Brett?”
“Oh, I’m just running down to the convenience store to buy matches.”
●Extra Point
to run downは、通例受身形to be run downの形で、「(人が)疲れきって、健康を害して」。
◎Extra Example
“Gee, you look really run down, Scarlet.”
“I haven’t slept for two days, that’s why, Brett.”
to back outで、「(車で)バックで出る」。「私道や駐車スペースからバックで出る」。
○Practical Example
“The driveway is so narrow, it’s hard to back out of it.”
“Here, let me drive, honey. I’m better at backing out than you.”
●Extra Point
to back outは、比喩的な意味でも使われる。「約束を取り消す、約束を破る」という意味で用いられる。
◎Extra Example
“Mr. Sakashita signed the contract, but later backed out.”
“I heard. It’s really not good to do that sort of thing. You lose people’s trust.”