billingは、「(ビラ・プログラムでの俳優などの)番付け(の位置)、順位」のこと。そして、to give… top billingで、「……にトップスターの座を与える」という意味になる。これは口語表現でよく使われる。
○Practical Example
"Furuta Koko at last got top billing."
"And she really did it up brown."
to do it up brownは、口語表現で「すっかり[りっぱに]仕上げる」
●Extra Point
to give …top billingのほかに、to give …star billing, あるいはto give … marquee billingという言い方もする。そして次のように受身形でも使われる。
◎Extra Example
"Mickey Mouse was even given marquee billing all over the country."
"Yes. He became a showstopper."
Today, 1 April 2010, marks the fourth anniversary of GetUpEnglish!
I want to thank all of the people who have come to this site to learn English.
I have a great passion for all language learning, and it is one of the biggest hopes of my life that we Japanese people learn English and foreign languages proficiently.
If during those past years I have been able to help you any way at all in your English-language studies, then I am very happy.
Thank you again, and please keep clicking on GetUpEnglish in the coming year.
With the warmest wishes to you all.
Uesugi Hayato