future progressive formは、文法用語で「未来進行形」。今日のGetUpEnglishは、ちょっと趣向を変えて、このfuture progressive formの例文を紹介する。
○Practical Example
"The famed Frederic Yonemoto will be giving one-night solo performance of Chopin’s Polonaise at the 1010 Theatre."
"Yonemoto is touring Asia from November until the New Year, and we are very lucky that he will make a stop in our city."
will be givingが未来進行形。そしてこの言い方は便利なので、ぜひ覚えておこう。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Due to unforeseen circumstances the presenter of Akiko’s translation workshop is unable to attend tonight."
"I know. Therefore the workshop has been rescheduled. Instead it will be taking place on Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. at Culture Salon Aoyama."
has been rescheduled(スケジュールが変更になっている)から、Instead it will be taking place on Wednesday evening…(代わりに水曜日の夕刻に行なわれる)ということである。
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"Hayato Associates announced today that they will be closing their Kiryu plant at the end of this year."
"I know. A spokesman for the company reported that costs at the facility had been rising for some time and that attempts to increase profitability and reduce costs had failed."
will be closingが「未来進行形」だ。