日本を代表するロシア文学者の沼野充義氏(東京大学教授)が、天文学者、宇宙物理学者の池内了氏(総合研究大学院大学教授・学長補佐)、高橋源一郎氏(作家)とともに、The New York Timesに記事を寄せている。
○Practical Example
"What is hard to accept, however, is that the electrical power companies and government agencies tried to account for the disaster by explaining that the circumstances that led up to it were far outside the bounds of anything that could have been predicted ? in their words, 'beyond all expectations.' We have heard this phrase repeatedly on television reports."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"And yet, in the end, what else is there for each of us to do but to keep on doing what we have been doing, as long and as hard as we can? From within the daily lives of each one of us, a small light of hope will begin to glow. This is what I want to believe. Would it be too much to say that a person’s ability to harbor such an unlikely belief in the power of hope is also something 'beyond all expectation'?"
「しかし、結局われわれ一人ひとりは、これまでしてきたことをつづける以外に、一体何ができるだろう? われわれ一人ひとりが毎日の生活をつづけるなかから、小さな希望の光がこぼれ出す。それをわたしは信じている。そんなふうにかすかに希望の光を信じられる人間の能力もまた、『予想を超えた』ものである。そう言ったら、言い過ぎだろうか?」