○Practical Example
“I’m going to see the surgeon tomorrow to have a mole removed.”
“Oh, do you know a good surgeon? I’ve got a wart I need to cut out.”
「まあ、いい外科医を知っているの? わたしもイボをとってもらいたいわ」
●Extra Point
surgeryは、「外科」だけでなく、「手術」の意味でも使われる。surgery onの形で使われることが多い。
◎Extra Example
“Where are you going on Friday, Albert?”
“I’m having surgery on my knee. It’s been giving me trouble for months.”
○Practical Example
“Murakami Haruki’s novels are really popular overseas.”
“Yeah, he’s a fascinating novelist, isn’t he.”
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
“The Akutagawa Prize is given out for novellas.”
“Apparently the ideal length is about 100 pages in Japanese.”
sympathy(同情、思いやり、あわれみ)は、人間がもついちばんやさしい気持ちのひとつ。sympathy forの形でよく使われる
○Practical Example
“I have a lot of sympathy for the losing team.”
“They tried hard, didn’t they. I think the coach is going to retire now.”
●Extra Point
形容詞はsympathetic. sympathetic toの形でよく用いられる。
◎Extra Example
“I’m really sympathetic to the way that coach played the game.”
“Me, too. But he lost the game, and he’s going to retire now.”
to play the gameは、この場合、「正々堂々と試合をする、規則を守って試合をする」。