今日のGetUpEnglishでは、to scrambleという表現を学習する。
to scrambleは、「……を奪い合う、(先を)争って……しようとする」という意味でよく用いられる。
○Practical Example
"Cashing in on the Obama boom, all the publishers are scrambling to publish books on him."
"But anyone can get the voice and the transcript of his inauguration speech from internet for free. Let’s map out our plan carefully to see what extra value we can give."
to cash in on...は、「(……を利用する、……につけ込む[乗じる]」。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"After discovering that there is a possibility defective products are on the market, the maker scrambled to identify and remove the offending products."
"Good. They were responsible as the manufacture."
Do Japanese yet realize that culture's acquired, not in the blood?