○Practical Point
"Yasushi looks like the governor of Osaka."
"I don't think so. Yasushi is more handsome than the governor. But Yasushi is not as rich."
「そうかな? ヤスシのほうが府知事よりいい男だ。でも、お金はそれほどないね」
●Extra Point
「そっくりだ」と意味を強調したい時は、to look very much likeと表現すればいい。
◎Extra Example
"Matsushita-san looks very much like the well-known economic commentator."
"I don't think so. Matsushita-san is slimmer and cleverer."
「そうかな? 松下さんのほうが痩せているし、頭もいいよ」
☆Extra Extra Point
特に親子が似ている時は、to take afterを使う。
★Extra Extra Example
"Aoi-chan really takes after her mother Chikage."
"The little girl will be a beautiful lady like her mother."