今日のGetUpEnglishはto fill the billという表現を紹介する。
○Practical Example
"Will this calculator do, Naomi?"
"Yes. This will fill the bill. Thank you very much."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"What would you like to drink, Aya?"
"Today I'd rather have sake, but white wine will fill the bill."
to get one’s goatは直訳すれば「人のヤギを取る」だが、「人をおこらせる、いらだたせる」の意味でよく用いられる。
○Practical Example
"A fellow like that really gets my goat."
"So don't deal with him. You'd better not get too involved with that kind of guy."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"It gets my goat the way some people try to record or take photos at rock concerts on the sly."
"We should never do such things because it is forbidden at most rock concerts."
今日のGetUpEnglishでは、nothing compare to(……に比べたら何でもない)という表現を学習しよう。
○Practical Example
"Your sorrow is nothing compared to what Maeyama-san went through."
"That's right. But Maeyama-san is the strongest person we know."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Matsushita-san may be nothing compared to you editors at big companies, but he's second to none when it comes to making books on philosophy and literature."
"Yeah, he is one of the greatest editors we know. Everybody admires him."
☆Extra Extra Point
nothing compares toの形でも使われる。
Princeの作詞作曲で、Sinead O'Connorが1990年にヒットさせた曲 に、"Nothing Compares 2 U"がある。Princeもこの曲をRosie Gainesと一緒に吹き込んでいる。
Roger Pulvers Official Siteの管理人Golden Angelとはまったく関係のないGolden Angel Studioを運営しているXanthe Smith(ザンティ・スミス)とPeter Serafin(ピーター・セラフィン)です。
narration (at) goldenangel.org
Hawaii: +1 808-896-0179
Tokyo: (03) 5453-6983
Golden Angel Studio
Narration, translation and copywriting
ザンティ・スミスとピーター・セラフィンのGolden Angel Studioは、ナレーション、CD編集、日英翻訳などの業務を行なっております。スタッフは日本語で対応できますので、お気軽にお尋ねください。
Neumann TLM-103 microphones
Digidesign M-box Pro with Pro Tools 7.5
Mogami gold cables
Macintosh computer/OS 5 (Leopard)
Recording Booth
A custom-built professional soundproof room with excellent acoustics
Double-thick, fully insulated walls, floor and ceiling
Booth can accommodate up to 4 narrators
Video screen for voice dubbing and video syncing
completed sound files can be:
emailed as mp3, wav, aiff or acc attachments
uploaded to your File Transfer Protocol server
posted to our FTP server for your secure retrieval any time
burned to a CD and sent via express courier
Golden Angel Consulting and Studio has been providing a complete line of narration, translation, copywriting and transcription services since 1990. Clients include JR East Railway, NHK, NTT, JAL, ANA, IBM, CNN, Hitachi, Bandai, Kao, Coca Cola, Toyota, Nissan, Kenkyusha Publishing, Pearson/Longman Publishing, Sanshusha Publishing, Yamaha, Hitachi, King Records, BMG Victor, Kumon, Gakken, Benesse, Shogakkukan, ALC, Inter-FM, Hawaii Public Radio and more.
narration (at) goldenangel.org
Hawaii: +1 808-896-0179
Tokyo: (03) 5453-6983
○Extra Example
"I am buying a new computer, but moving all the data from my old computer is really cumbersome."
"You can do it very easily by using a USB memory or an external hard disk."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"We want to reprint this article from the New York Times. Boss, must we ask permission for using it?"
"We should absolutely do that, Yuri. But I don’t think it is a cumbersome procedure."
Now that the Celtic tiger's turned tail, whither the Emerald Isle?
今日のGetUpEnglishでは、このto convulseという表現を学習する。
to convulseは、「(国・市場など)に大騒動を起こさせる、(……)を激しく揺さぶる」という意味で用いられる。
○Practical Example
"Iraq has been convulsed by America's invasion."
"America should retreat from the country as soon as possible."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Tatsuro-san convulsed the audience with his jokes."
"Yeah, we can enjoy not only his songs but also his jokes at the gig."
to convulse the audience with his jokesは、「冗談を言って、聴衆の腹をよじらせる」という感じ。
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Point
"Hearing that, my boss's face convulsed with rage."
"I can plainly see the fury on his face."
本日のGetUpEnglishは、to perplex, perplexity, perplexingの表現を学習する。
まず、to perplexは、大体受身形で、「(人や心)を悩ませる、困惑させる、途方に暮れさせる」という意味でよく使われる。
○Practical Example
"Elias had been perplexed by the repeated failure of his enterprises."
"But he succeeded at last with his new invention."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I felt great perplexity at my son’s behavior."
"Don't worry, Miki-san. Ryunosuke-kun is a really good boy and everybody likes him."
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"It is quite a perplexing problem, Ide-san."
"But you have to solve it in a week, Minako. OK? "
to get … acrossはよく使われる表現で、「……をわからせる、理解させる」。
○Practical Example
"Kazuyo tried to get her point across to the audience."
"But they didn’t seem to understand."
●Extra Point
上の例文で示したように、to get A across to B(AをBに理解させる)という形でよく使われる。Bの前にはtoが必要なので、注意しよう。
◎Extra Example
"How are our new employees doing in the office?"
"They are good. But I had to get across a very important point to them first."
○Practical Example
"Ryo got a 1958 Les Paul guitar, the one Jimmy Page uses."
"I think it’s profligacy for him. He should brush up his technique first."
●Extra Point
to accuse … of profligacy(……には贅沢だと叱る)という形でもよく用いられる。
◎Extra Example
"Ryunosuke bought a luxury T-shirt for 15,000 yen."
"His mother Miki accused him of profligacy and ordered him to study harder to get into a good university."
○Practical Example
"Roy assumed the burden of running the farm after his father died."
"But isn’t it too much for a 19-year-old boy?"
to assumeは、「(役目など)を引き受ける、(責任など)をとる」という意味で使われる。
●Extra Point
economic burden(経済的負担)という表現もよく用いられる。
◎Extra Example
"The economic burden placed on me by my children increases as they grow up."
"Children are burden to their parents forever. You must keep a good job until the day you die."
"Children are burden to their parents forever."は直訳すれば「子供は永遠に親の精神的な重荷だ」だから、上のように訳してよいと思う。
☆Extra Extra Point
Point tragic burden(悲しい重荷)を乗り越えて生きる人たちを、われわれは心から尊敬せずにいられない。
★Extra Extra Example
"Maeyama-san shows us that she has the strength she needs to endure her tragic burden."
"She is the strongest person. She has earned the respect of all of us."
○Practical Point
"Ashikawa used such underhanded tactics. It's unforgivable!"
"It's just like him to use a dirty trick like that."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I hear Ashikawa’s methods are quite underhanded."
"Yeah. They say that if he wants to get money, he'll betray his close friends without batting an eye."
without batting an eyeは、「平然として、顔色ひとつ変えずに」。
○Practical Example
"Erika is leaving me now. It’s not for me to say, but she is obviously making the biggest mistake of her life."
"I'm just wondering where you confidence comes from."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"It’s not for me to say, but the happiest woman in the world is the one who I want to marry."
"It’s not for me to say, but you are a real dumbbell."
As prospects darken, Japan's voters need that vision thing again