○Extra Example
"Jeff Beck and Eric Clapton won lavish praise by their joint concerts at Saitama Arena last month."
"It was unforgettable to see these two rock legends play together on the same stage."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Hiroshi is lavish in giving gifts for every beautiful girl."
"I hear Misako has got a Prada bag from him."
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"Chikage-san lavishes her affection on little Aoi-chan."
"Yeah, Chikage-san is always busy, but seems happiest when she is with her daughter."
○Practical Point
"We get a lot of information from media every day."
"Now we must determine reliable information from the abundant sources out there."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"One self-described eco-fashion label, Ecoist, creates handbags made from misprinted and discontinued packaging."
"It’s good idea to tap into that source of waste because it is reliable, and unfortunately, it’s abundant."
to tap intoは、ここでは「……をうまく利用する」。
昨日のGetUpEnglishで紹介したsafe and soundもそうだが、頭韻(alliteration)の見られる英語表現は「語呂」がいい。
○Practical Example
"With the trials and tribulations of being a mother of three, Kaori-san has a full-time job. She is supermom!"
"Kaori-san must have a lot to do after she gets home at night, but she is always active at the office."
「あの人はスーパーママよ! 家に帰ってもしなくちゃならないことはたくさんあるでしょうに、会社でもいつもバリバリ働いている」
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Kobayashi-san has gone out to another business meal tonight."
"Oh, the trials and tribulations of being an executive."
safe and soundは、「無事で、無事に」という意味でよく使われる。
○Practical Example
"The missing child was found safe and sound."
"I was relieved to hear that."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
Dear Peter
Thank you for everything. I got home safe and sound and I am really looking forward to seeing you again.
"I’ll say."は、口語表現で、「確かに、その通り」「そうですとも、全くだ、なるほど」という意味でよく使われる。相手の発言や感想を強く肯定する言い方だ。
○Practical Point
"I hear Haraga-sensei's class has a lot to offer."
"I'll say! In her class, she explains clearly how to precisely understand English words and expression."
「そうなんだ! 英語の単語や表現をどうしたら正確に聞き取れるか、授業でわかりやすく説明してくれるんだ」
この場合のto offerは「ためになる、勉強になる」。“GetUpEnglish has a lot to offer.” (GetUpEnglishはとってもためになる。)というような形でよく用いられる。(多くの人にほんとうにそう思っていただけますように、今後もしっかりがんばります。)
●Extra Point
"I'll say it is."の形でもよく使われる。
◎Extra Example
"Was it a good concert?"
"I'll say it was. EC’s play was awesome. I still haven't calmed down even after a good night's sleep."
to speak the same languageは直訳すれば「同じ言葉をしゃべる」であるが、「同じ意見である、同じ考えである、考え方[気持ち]が同じだ」という意味でよく使われる。
今日のGetUpEnglishでは、このto speak the same languageという表現を学習しよう。
○Practical Point
"As for literature, Hideo thought he and Yukio spoke the same language."
"Yeah, both of them pursued a sublime style as well as entertaining stories."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"The boys in my band are a great bunch of guys."
"We all speak the same language. Yeah, everybody likes blues."
☆Extra Extra Point
「意見が合わない」というときは、not speak the same language, あるいはto speak different languageを使う。
★Extra Extra Example
"As for the music, Brian and Mike spoke different languages."
"Mike wanted to do just surf music, but Brain pursued something more profound."
○Practical Example
Once you're branded as a good-for-nothing, you won't succeed in our office.
Okay, I will do everything I can to be considered an efficient worker.
●Extra Example
◎Extra Example
Why did our boss take on this good-for-nothing project?
He took this as a service for the client in order to get a big job later from them.
Obama please note: Those who fail to 'master the past' are guilty, too
○Practical Point
"Metabolic syndrome is no laughing matter. The proper amount of exercise is necessary to maintain health."
"And, of course, you also need to be careful about your diet."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"It's funny. I lent Ashikawa ¥10,000 a month ago. He promised to pay me back soon, but he didn't."
"It is not laughing matter. He has cheated you!"