toilは、「苦労」「(長く)つらい仕事、疲れる仕事」。 そしてto toil awayは、「骨を折って働く、骨身を削って働く」。
今日のGetUpEnglishは、to toil awayという表現を学習しよう。
○Practical Example
"My boss just sits in his office talking to the secretaries while we toil away."
"Yeah. It's nice for him, but we really have to kill ourselves to get things ready in time."
to kill oneself to doで、「……するために必死に頑張る」。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Minako toiled away for three years as a contract worker before they hired her full-time."
"Yes, and it's been great for both her and the company. She is one of our most capable workers and everybody has a lot of confidence in her."