○Extra Example
"By all accounts, Kana-san is a very trustworthy person."
"Yeah. She is a steady worker."
by all accountsは、「だれから聞いても」。
◎Extra Example
"I understand Ashikawa isn’t trustworthy."
"Exactly. He stoops so low as to betray his friends."
to stoopは、「(……をするまで)身を落とす、身を落として(……)する」。
☆Extra Extra Point
★Extra Extra Example
"Peter is a solid, reliable man. He always does his jobs perfectly."
"I know. Narrating, transcribing, and editing the voices, he can do anything in short notice."
このPeter Serafinはまさに信頼できる男です。どんな仕事も完璧にこなします。
under controlは、「(正しく)制御されている、正常である」。
○Practical Control
"Two drunken men are yelling at each other in the street. I'm afraid they'll start fighting."
"Call the police and ask them to come and get things under control."
●Extra Point
to keep everything under control(すべてを丸くおさめる)という表現もよく使われる。状況によっては、「後始末する」に近い意味になると思う。
◎Extra Example
"I hear Uotsu got stinking drunk yesterday."
"He was ranting and raving and annoying our boss. I had quite a time trying to keep everything under control."
○Extra Point
"Matushita-san and Matsuda-kun work well together."
"Not only are they well-versed in their field, they are men of personal integrity as well."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"It is most important for us to defend the integrity of our country."
"That’s right. We should never be attacked by the neighboring country. We have to persuade them not to do that."
先日、Billboard LiveでソウルグループのThe Manhattansのライヴを観たのですが、すばらしくよかったです。The Manhattansの代表曲に、Shining Starがあります。この曲は、"Honey you are my shining star / Don't you go away…"と歌われますから、「君はぼくの輝く星」と理解すればいいでしょう。
けれども、shining starは状況によっては「花形」という意味でよく使われますので、注意しましょう。
本日のGetUpEnglishでは、このshining starという表現の使い方を学習する。
○Extra Example
"Oe Kenzaburo became a shining star of literary world at the tender age of twenty-two."
"Yeah. He made a spectacular debut with a novella published in a student newspaper at University of Tokyo."
●Extra Point
その世界や業界で「花形」が一人しかいない場合は、a shining starではなく、the shining starとなる。
◎Extra Point
"Matsushita-san is the shining star of that publishing firm."
"I know. Even though his company went bankrupt, he will be much sought after by other companies in the business."
☆Extrra Extra
★Extra Extra Example
"Although he's still in early thirties, Matsuda-kun is a shining star in the field of publishing."
"I am quite sure he will do a big job someday soon to save this struggling business."
個人的な話題になってしまいますが、この表現はハード・ロック・ギターリスト&ヴォーカリストのGary Mooreが1982年に発表したアルバム・タイトルで初めて目にしました。
アルバムのジャケットも回廊(corridors)のようなところにムーアが立っているものだったので、特に深い意味はないだろうと思っていたのですが、それから18年後、ベティ・カークパトリック著、柴田元幸監訳『英語クリーシェ辞典 もんきりがた表現集』を読んで、ようやくその意味がはっきり認識できました。
今日のGetUpEnglishでは、このcorridors of powerの使い方を学習する。
○Extra Example
"Norman is a kind of man whose footsteps echo strongly in the corridors of power."
"So never get him mad."
the corridors of powerと定冠詞がつくことが多いので、注意しよう。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"The corridors of corporate power are inhabited mostly by people unknown to the general public."
"And they decide everything without us knowing about it."
このto inhabitの用例にも注意しよう。「……に住む、居住する」という意味だが、他動詞なので、このように受身形で使われることがよくある。この表現もいつかGetUpEnglishで詳しく紹介したい。(現在調査中ですが、おそらくまだ取り上げてないと思います。)
to see eye to eyeは、「(ある事で)(人と)見解が全く一致する」。
○Extra Point
"Sergey and Larry really see eye to eye."
"I know. They studied at the same university, and their interests and way of thinking are almost identical."
●Extra Point
to see eye to eye aboutの形でもよく使われる。
◎Extra Example
"Hey Bob, you still driving this old car? How about buying a new one?"
"I want to but I can't. I wish my wife and I could see eye to eye about buying a new car."
「ボブ、まだこの古い車に乗っているの? 新車に乗り換えたらどうだ?」
○Practical Example
"I question whether what you said about the word 'hancho' is true."
"It's true. It comes from the Japanese 'hancho,' meaning ‘group leader’."
もし英文対訳でなくて、訳文を日本語の読者だけに提示するのであれば、meaning 'group leader'はあえて訳す必要はないと思う。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Kazutoshi was questioned by the police last night."
"What did he do?"
これは実は日本語の「班長」から来ている。Oxford American Dictionaryには、次のように記されている。
ORIGIN 1940s: from Japanese hanchō ‘group leader,’ a term brought back to the U.S. by servicemen stationed in Japan during the occupation following World War II.
○Extra Point
"Who's your new honcho?"
"Moriya-san. He came to us this year from another company."
●Extra Example
◎Extra Example
"Moriya-san is a very experienced man."
"I know. He used to honcho a subsidiary of a major electric company."
今日のGetUpEnglishでは、bells and whistlesという表現を紹介する。
○Extra Example
"I need a computer, Tanaka-san. I just want an efficient basic model."
"Go ahead and buy it, Shimada-kun. But note that the company won’t reimburse you for bells and whistles such as an external modem."
●Extra Point
景気の悪い時代はbells and whistlesはどうしても排除される。
◎Extra Examples
"We need a new car, Takami. And we just want one that is smaller and more fuel-efficient."
"How about a Toyota Corolla or a Nissan March, Kensuke-san? We'll need more money for our kids, and we can’t afford to pay extra for a lot of bells and whistles."
「健介さん、トヨタのカローラとかニッサンのマーチはどうかしら? これから子供にお金がかかるようになるから、贅沢はできないわ」
今日のGetUpEnglishでは、must-see, そしてmust-readという表現を学習する。
○Extra Example
"Kamioka-sensei told me the movie Slumdog Millionaire is a must-see."
"Yeah, I want to see the movie. It was nominated for ten Academy Awards in 2009 and won eight."
●Extra Example
◎Extra Extra Example
"Nobuo Kamioka’s Learning American History through Famous Speeches is a must- read for those who want to study English and American history."
"I’ve already read and studied the book. I am really looking forward the sequel."
to seeを使った英語表現はGetUpEnglishで何度か紹介したが、今日to see throughという表現を学習しよう。
to see throughは、「(偽りなど)を見通す、(人)の正体を見抜く」という意味でよく使われる。
○Practical Example
"He pretended to be my friend only because he wanted my help."
"But you saw through him right away."
●Extra Example
to see through A to B(AからBを見抜く)という使い方もするので、注意しよう。
◎Extra Example
"I can see through your actions to your real motives."
"That's a terrible thing to say. I'm not hiding anything from you."
London trauma points with relief to a convenient truth about Japan
○Extra Point
"The police enforce draconian regulations against drunk driving."
"It’s a good thing. Don't drink and drive."
“Don’t drink and drive.”は「飲酒運転をしてはいけない」という意味でよく使われるようだ。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"The government has decided to enforce draconian measures against bribery."
"Glad to hear it. I hope that politicians are beginning to realize they are going to have to mend their ways."
今日のGetUpEnglishでは、to rise (like a phoenix) from the ashes([不死鳥のように]復活する、廃墟から立ち上がる)という表現を学習する。
○Extra Point
"His company went bankrupt. I know how hard it is for him now."
"But I hope he can endure this hardship and will rise like a phoenix from the ashes."
●Extra Point
to rise from the ashesの形でもよく使われる。
◎Extra Example
"Michael Jackson announced he would start his concert series at O2 Arena in July."
"Great. At last he is rising from the ashes."
昨日(2009/04/02)のGetUpEnglishのExtra Exampleでは、to tighten one’s beltという表現を紹介した。
to tighten one’s beltは、「経費を切り詰める、耐乏生活をする」。
○Extra Example
"Most publishing companies are forced to start tightening their belts because of the sales of books falling off drastically."
"We are really afraid that books will go the way of CDs."
to go the way of … は、「……と同じ道を歩む[扱いをうける]、……の轍を踏む」。
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Our company cannot avoid falling into the red this year."
"We have to do some serious belt-tightening."