英語のイディオムは時にすごくむずかしい。何の状況も脈絡もなく、"What do you make of it?"と言われても、何のことかさっぱりわからない。しかし、これはよく使われる表現で、"What do you think it is?" (それをどう思うか?)とか、"How could you explain it?" (それをどう説明するのか?)と同じ意味だ。
○Practical Example
"Look at my x-ray, Dr. Uehara? What do you make of this shadow in my lung here?"
"Hmmm. Let me see. Well, I'm not sure what it is. Let's do some tests to find out."
●Extra Point
"I don't know what to make of it."はよく使う言い方。"I can't figure it out."(……を理解できない)と意味は同じ。
◎Extra Example
"Scientists have discovered new facts about the virus that causes bird flu, but they don't know what to make of them. I hope that they will figure it all out soon."