

“1, 2, 3, 5, 48” the mixed implications of voters

2010年06月22日 07時54分50秒 | その他

「1・2・3・5・48」が織りなす複雑な民意 2010年6月18日 宮崎信行

“1, 2, 3, 5, 48” the mixed implications of voters
June 18, 2010
Nobuyuki Miyazaki


The 22nd Upper House Election Day is set for Sunday July 11. The official election period starts when the new Kan Cabinet confirms on the election period on Thursday June 24th and the emperor makes the public announcement. However, since the Diet was dismissed on June 16, we are already in the midst of the election period in reality.


While this election is nationwide, the actual role of the Upper House in Congress is limited. The superiority of the Lower House is stated in the constitution where it is responsible for pivotal work as the nomination of the Prime Minister and budget approval. Thus whether the PM may be Naoto Kan or someone else does not really matter since the “DPJ Administration” will continue until the Lower House reaches its term of office on August 30, 2013. Or unless the PM (the President of the DPJ) chooses to dismiss the Lower House the DPJ rule of government will not change.

However the Upper House election is considered to be a “mid-term test” where it may lead to substantial change in government depending on the outcome; the Prime Minister could step down again or the current alliance between DPJ and Kokumin Shinto Party could be reconsidered. Moreover, the DPJ is scheduled to hold its internal Presidential race in September where this implies that there are still many obstacles that may go against the long awaited hope of the people inside and outside of Japan that wishes for political stability.


Before we start predicting the outcome, let us first look into the complicated mechanism of the Upper House election. When we show it in numbers, it looks like the below:

  3× 5=15
  5× 1= 5

 48× 1=48


For those who are not that good at numbers, I hope that you could bare this for a little while so that the mysteries which the Japanese voters themselves see in this Upper House election could be shared. Speaking honestly, there are so little who could correctly explain the mechanism behind how election is carried out and even in the national election office, there must be less than half of those who understand.


The Upper House electoral districts are based on the existing 47 Prefectures and the number of seats is decided on the population of each area. Within the 47, the population of 29 areas is about a million which makes one seat for all of them. The 12 areas like Hokkaido and Fukuoka Prefecture has a population of over 2 million which makes the number of seats two. For Osaka, Aichi (including Nagoya), Kanagawa (including Yokohama), Saitama and Chiba Prefecture, the number of seats are 3 and there are 5 districts like this. Lastly, Tokyo has 5 seats which is the most.


Moreover for the proportional representation seats, there are 48 in total for the entire nation. Since the numbers of seats represent the entire one country, the equation above is written as 48 x 1= 48. To vote for proportional representation seats, the voter could either write the Party or the individual candidate’s name on the ballot. After it’s known how many seats each Party won, the Party will work internally to provide the seats to the candidates who got the most votes to those with least. Thus the final winner of the Upper House election may not be known till midnight or the next day of Election Day.


The complexity does not end here. The 121 elected members will remain in Upper House for 6 years. However the total number of the Upper House members is 242 which mean that half of the members will just help out their colleagues win this time around while they prepare for their own election three years from now.


This complexity is the reason why political veterans and monsters like Ichiro Ozawa, who stepped down as the General Secretary of DPJ together with PM Yukio Hatoyama the other day, maintain their power. Political Parties are normally constituted by Diet Members from both the Lower and Upper House where those who want power in their own Party need to both know and understand the unique mechanism of the Upper House and the support groups in each area. Thus this results in the birth of a veteran political leader who made his career in the Party HQ and relies on the uniqueness of the Upper House as his source of power to control the whole Party. .


I strongly hope that the Upper House system is made simple after this election. The reelection of half the membership is written in Article 46 of the constitution thus something that could not be changed right away. Yet for example, instead of deciding on the number of seats based on the size of population in each area, amendment such as to standardize the Upper House election to the proportional representation seats system should be necessary.


Now, the “raise in consumer tax” is all of a sudden becoming a major debate issue for the Upper House election. The former Hatoyama Administration was swept away by a Tsunami, after experiencing the Lehman Shock, finding themselves 9 trillion yen short in tax revenue compared to a year before. This eventually led them to fail in meeting the many promises written in their Manifest which generated criticism of Hatoyama being a “Manifest fraud” and had to resign in only 8 months.


If the consumption tax were to be raised from the current 5 % to 10 %, the annual tax surplus for the central and prefecture government will amount to 12 trillion yen. This will be enough to retrieve the national bond that Japan issued to supplement the Lehman Shock. In the past, no PM has won an election by pledging to raise the consumption tax. For this reason, while some media optimistically report that the DPJ does have a plan to win it is probably wise not to believe this 100%. No one really knows what will happen and this is even truer when the majority of the voters do not even know how the mechanism of Upper House election works. 

Tokyo Inside Politics

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