ところで、米国連邦議会(Capital Hill)の国会中継をケーブルテレビで放送しているC-SPAN(シースパン)のホームページ(下記にリンク先)によると、米国のオバマ大統領が、福島第一原発に関する包括的な報告をホワイトハウスで受け、まだ、同国への影響はないとして、同国の将来にとって原子力が必要であることを国内的に強調しました。
President Obama also defended the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s recommendation for U.S. citizens within 50 miles of the complex to evacuate. "This decision was based on a careful scientific evaluation," the President said.
「正確な情報を迅速に」福島知事、防災相に苦言(読売新聞) - goo ニュース
会談後、佐藤知事は報道陣に、「40年間、福島県は首都圏に電力を供給してきた。日本中がこの事故に 真摯 ( しんし ) に向き合うことを国民の皆さんに申し上げたい」と感情をあらわにした。
U.S. to Review Safety of Nuclear Reactors | C-SPAN
Japanese Ambassador to speak on crisis in Japan
Television images of helicopters dropping water on the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex
Video Playlist Japanese Amb. to the U.S.: Live at 2pm (ET) on
Pres. Obama Remarks on Nuclear Review
White House Briefing with NCR Chairman Jaczko
Washington, DC
Friday, March 18, 2011
President Obama yesterday called for a complete review of U.S. nuclear plants as Japanese authorities struggle to gain control over the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex damaged by last Friday’s earthquake and tsunami.
Speaking at the White House, the President said no harmful levels of radiation have reached the U.S. However, he ordered the review because "Nuclear energy is an important part of our own energy future."
President Obama also defended the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s recommendation for U.S. citizens within 50 miles of the complex to evacuate. "This decision was based on a careful scientific evaluation," the President said.
Gregory Jaczko, Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, told reporters during yesterday’s White House press briefing that the 50-mile evacuation zone was based on an evaluation of how a similar situation would be handled in the U.S. He called the recommendation “a prudent and a precautionary measure to take.”
The Japanese government is only recommending a 12-mile evacuation zone.
Also yesterday, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said that passengers and cargo returning from Japan are now being screened for radiation. No harmful levels have been detected, though low levels have, Sec. Napolitano said.