
インドネシアのDCといえば……近郊輸送用の車両のみならず、最高に神出鬼没で如何にも高級そうな雰囲気を漂わせる巡視車が存在しています。ネットで目にする限り、巡視車は2両存在するようで、1両はその名も「レイル・ワン」。金色に輝くガルーダのエンブレムもまぶしく、赤と青の細い帯を締めたデザイン。恐らくは大統領クラスのVIPの利用に対応しているのでしょう。そしてもう一両は、やや光り具合が弱いエンブレムを掲げて紫の濃淡の帯を締めた「ウィジャヤクスマ」。具体的な意味を調べてみますと、1年に1回だけ満月の夜に咲く花「月下美人」を意味するそうで……滅多に見かけない特殊車両の名称としては、何やらうまく出来過ぎているような気もします (笑)。
そんな「ウィジャヤクスマ」、ジャカルタの東線で撮り鉄していた際、何と奇跡的に遭遇してしまいました! ジャカルタ・コタ方面から、既に見慣れたDLとは違った形状の白い車両が迫って来たため、望遠レンズの望遠側で「何じゃ何じゃ?」とばかりに観察してみたところ……「ぬおっ!ナゾの事業用車……というか、ゴツい検測機器の類はなさそうな代わりに、眺めの良さそうな窓がある……。これは巡視車に違いない!」ということで、線路脇に掲げられたメラ・プティ=インドネシア国旗とからめて激写!!

しかし、オドロキの事態はそれだけではありませんでした。撮影後に早速拡大再生してみたところ……何と!乗っているのはどう見ても鉄道関係者の皆様やVIPではなく、ただの現地鉄ヲタの皆様ではありませんか! とくに……ヴェールをかぶった女子大生っぽい私服の女の子なんて、絶対に関係者ではないだろう……と。
その後しばらく「あれは一体何だったのか。まさかこんな事業用車を趣味団体が貸切可能とは……何とユルい国だ」と思っていたところ、やはり「乗客」はジャカルタの若い鉄ヲタの皆様であったことが判明 (笑)。リンク頂いている「Kreta dan Kuching」の管理人・seri8039さんによりますと、この日はまず現地鉄ヲタの皆さんとタナ・アバンの機関区を見学、するとその場で「これからウィジャヤクスマの試運転をするから乗ってかない?」と誘われたそうで……このような激しく濃ゆ~くご機嫌な環状線一周の旅が実現したとのことです(当然seri8039さんもご乗車)。というわけで、このシーンを写っている人数分プリントして差し上げたのですが、フツーあり得ないですね……こんな偶然の展開 (笑)。
(1) 機関区を訪れた一行が試運転に誘われる。
(2) 私がたまたま東線で撮り鉄している。
(3) マンガライ駅でたまたま初めてお会いしたseri8039さんと懇意になる。
いやあー、いい話だ! そういうおおらかな感じはすごくいいですね。他人に寛容ないい国だなあ。文化的なものもあるのでしょうかね。日本も昔はローカル線に行くとそうしてもてなしてもらえた、というような話は聞きますが……こういう話を聞くとジャカルタの魅力に取り憑かれるだろうなあ、と思います。いい偶然に出会えておっとっと様も幸運のお裾分けをしてもらえましたね。
いやいや、この試運転は鉄ヲタ集団の機関区訪問に関係なく実施されたもののようですので、私が彼らの幸運のお裾分けをしてもらったわけではなく (笑)、最初からこの日この場所で撮り鉄していれば自ずと撮影する幸運に恵まれていたわけですが、ともあれこのような関係者とファンの距離の近さは、本当に1980年代までの地方私鉄めぐりの楽しさを思い出すものがあります……。私も、秩父はもとより各地のローカル私鉄の駅で、車庫or構内本線内撮影を認めて頂いたり、お茶のサービスやお土産(不要ダイヤなど)を頂いたり……良い時代がありました。今回のジャカルタもそんな感じで、控えめな親切さがそこかしこにあるインドネシアが好きになったことは言うまでもありません(^^)。
Selamat Datang! Thank you very much for your comment !
And I was surprised that your Japanese is very excellent !
I am very pleased that you have received the picture of WijayaKusuma mini trip by way of Y san! I wish this picture will be the good memory of you and your friends. Then, I also wish the future of Indonesian Railways and Railfans would be more developed and a lot of fun !
TERIMA KASHIH for your comment ! Oh..Indonesia Daigaku de Nihongo to Nihon ni tsuite Benkyou sarete irunodesune... I am very sorry I know BAHASA INDONESIA only just a few words....
Of course I saw the TM 7117F new image on some websites (“Indonesian Railfans”, the weblog of Yoshida-San, and so on…), and I am very pleased to see it because the new image is as if “ JALITA” Tokyu 8613F. After the shipping from Tokyo, I had looking forward to see how TM 7000 get changes by the staff of K.C.J. , and I had imagined that the new color would be the same color with TM 5000 and Tokyu 8500 (blue and yellow). Umm….this is one of the best coupling of Japanese Body and Indonesian sense of beauty….and I wish TM 7000 will be in service as soon as possible !
TERIMA KASHIH for your comment!
I also watched the records of trial run of 7117F from Manggarai to Bogor on some websites, and I am pleased to see it ! Then maybe 7117F is just on training run for conductors…
The debut of TM 7000 is on the Pakuan Express?? Oh….the view of TM 7000 running on the hard slope from Bojong Gede to Bogor will be the amazing scene for every KRL Mania of JABODETABEK! (But I prefer Tokyu8500 are running on the Pakuan Express…. Because the sound of motor is much enthusiastic! The sound of TM 7000 is very silent… ^_^;)
As you say, the new side line color of 7117F reminds me as if it is the color variation of Fukutoshin Line. But the impression of front color is so amazing that I prefer the new color than Fukutoshin color!
TERIMA KASHIH for your comment!
I watched 7117F just on the training run and at Dipo Depok on some websites, then I found that 7117F is formed by 10 cars, not 8 cars as other formations of JABODETABEK! So I consider that it is better for 7117F to use on Economi AC train of Bogor Line…..because Economi AC trains are always crowded (especially rush hours!). And, from Japanese Railfan’s view, the main image of TM 7000 is ordinary train (as Jakarta’s Economi AC, it stops every station), not the express train as Pakuan (I feel Pakuan Express is very very fast!). But please do not mind such views! I am looking forward to see how the image and usage of TM 7000 will be changed in Jakarta!
Selamat pagi ! Terima Kashih for your comment !
And thank you for your detail report of the plan of 7117F operation ! Oh…after all the power supply and the hardware of the stations are not enough for 10 cars unit… I was afraid that, on some stations (especially Jakarta Kota and Bogor) the length of tracks and platforms are not sufficient to 10 cars. So, I also guess that 2 middle cars (1 MM unit) will be left in Depo-Depok as TM 5000.
7117F will run as Express 4 times and EAC 6 times…if this is for Bekasi line, the load is not so hard, but if this is for Bogor line, it will be very hard as Tokyu 8607/8610/8613F !
Selamat malam! Terima Kashih for your comment.
I feel that the shortage of transportation infrastructure of Jakarta is still very serious…but I also hope that, through the efforts of KCJ and making full use of the rapid economic growth of Indonesia, the JABODETABEC train network will be much better… Then, 10 cars train will be increased!
About 7123F….The weblog of Yoshida-san has reported that 7123F 10 cars were on the pier of Tokyo Wakasu Port, and maybe they are on the ship now. So, I guess that 7123F will arrive Tanjung Priok soon!
Selamat Sore, Terima Kashih for your comment!
I saw the arrival of 7122F to Depo BukitDuri on the Weblog of Yoshida-san. 7123F also arrive to Jakarta soon! I found that the plan of operation of TM7000 4 formations are already showed on the timetable carried on the Website 《KRL Mania.com》, on which the train numbers are showed, but the time are not showed. After operation, I consider the jam of Economi AC will be a little better…
I know that through the aid of Japanese Govt. and technical support of Tokyo-Toei Chikatetsu (Tokyo Metroporitan Govt. Transportation agency Subway) and other Railway companies of Japan, the management and technical skill of KAI JABODETABEK division (→KCJ) had changed much better. And of course I am, as a Japanese Railfan, very thankful to Indonesian people because the Japanese used cars are so much welcomed. But I also looking forward to see the future original development of Jakarta (or Bandung, Surabaya…) transportations, and the more effort of Indonesian people themselves will be more important!
About TransJakarta, I think the Air-Conditioned cars and the Bus-lane system are useful. But…the growth of population of Jakarta is so fast that the TransJakarta is now confronted the limit of capacity… I hope the construction of the Subway (Sudirman-Line?) will be finished as soon as possible….
TM 7123F also arrived Jakarta…that is a good news! But I heard that the debut of TM 7000 is delayed because KCJ still cannot get the admission of Ministry of Transportation… I would like to see the usual operation as soon as possible! The trial run is operated on Serpong Line…Oh…TM 7000 will be used as TM5000…very interesting.
About the electric commuter train plan in Bandung area, I have read on somewhere newssite. I think JR 103 will just fit to this area because the formation is 4 cars (to tell the truth, I would like to see this scene because the view of Bandung area is very beautiful).