
鉄道趣味の果てしなく深い森の中にひっそりと (?) 佇む庵のようなブログです。


2011-12-04 00:00:00 | 大手民鉄 (東武)

 本日は東武ファンフェスタ本番! そして鉄コレ6050系先行販売本番!……ですが、結局仕事の予定を変えることは出来ませんで、遠くから指をくわえて南栗橋の方向を眺めるのみとなりました (-_-)。ここのところ休みがない……。

【TOBU FanFesta】TOBU is one of the biggest non-governmental origin railway company in Japan, and she has large network in northern part of Metropolitan area. You can get on SPACIA Ltd.Exp. to enjoy the Beauty of Nikko and hot springs, and if you would like to go to high-tech industrial area of East Gunma area and Northeast Saitama area, you can use RYOMO Ltd.Exp. Now TOBU has built TOKYO SKY TREE, the tallest tower in the world, and it will be opened in the next Spring. This TOBU FanFesta is held every November or December on Minami Kurihashi Workshop (Nikko Line), about 10 thousand railfans and families enjoy it.