Konbannwa ! Ogenki desuka?? Osokunarimashitaga Irland tourist information kara itadaita email no copy wo sakihodo okurimashita. Gokakunin kudasai. Kono mail no ato ni mou hitotsu sakihodo todoita email no copy wo okurimasu.
Hello Mr. /Ms Sachio Thank you for e mail.
This area of Cork is designated the Peace Park and there are two monuments to honour World War one and World Ward 11 victims that died in these Wars. I don稚 think there is any other particular reason other than that these Wars were so Horific and there would be great opposition to Nuclear Power in Ireland . We don稚 have a Nuclear plant here and there is lots of debate asTo whether we should have this, like the UK , but so far we don稚 have any Nuclear Power Plant. If I find any additional information , I will get back to you. Best wishes for now Aideen
Thank you for reply Mr. /Ms Sachio I am glad that you had a nice time here and were made feel welcome. War is an awful thing, is it not? Nuclear Power is a very big debate here and there is immense pressure against it. Best wishes and thank you for kind comments.