BAIDEN BEATS TRUMP(バイデン、トランプを打倒)
In Speech, Biden Urges End to ‘Grim Era of Demonization in America’(バイデンは、アメリカの極悪非道の恐ろしい時代を終らせようと訴える)
Biden Wins Presidency, Ending Four Tumultuous Years Under Trump(トランプ政権下の恐ろしい4年間に終止譜を打とう)
‘A time to heal’(和解の時)
Biden and Harris triumph over Trump, but president does not concede(バイデンとハリスはトランプに勝利、しかし、大統領は落選を認めず)
Biden plans immediate flurry of executive orders to reverse Trump policies(バイデンは、トランプ政策に反対する緊急大統領令発令を計画)
Trump, a president obsessed with winning, spends the day refusing to admit his loss to Biden(トランプ大統領は勝利に執着して、バイデンへの敗北承認を拒否)
Trump supporters insist election isn’t over as they protest his loss in state capitals (トランプ支持者は、トランプの敗北に抗議して選挙は終っていないと主張)
Trump’s bid to discredit election raises fear that he will undermine a smooth transfer of power (トランプの選挙を信用しない訴訟が、政権のスムーズな委譲を阻害する恐れを引き起こす)
政権委譲につて、NYTの「Trump gets the news while heading to a golf outing.」の記事で、次のように報じている。
Aides said Mr. Trump has no plans to immediately concede defeat as his campaign vowed to continue waging the legal battle across the country in a last-ditch effort to somehow reverse the stream of ballots that delivered the White House to Mr. Biden. In a statement, Mr. Trump said Mr. Biden is trying to “falsely pose” as the winner.
“The simple fact is this election is far from over,” the president said, less than two hours after tweeting the false claim that “I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!,” which drew a warning from Twitter that it was premature. “Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated.”
Mr. Trump’s advisers said they do not believe he will attempt to deny Mr. Biden from taking his place in the White House in January. But they described him as in complete denial that he has been fired from the presidency and said he is refusing to abandon his accusations that Democrats stole victory from him.
The president’s tone — in his statement he accused Democrats of wanting “ballots counted even if they are fraudulent, manufactured, or cast by ineligible or deceased voters” — was a sharp contrast to Mr. Biden, who called for unity in a nationwide address Friday night as it was becoming clear that he was closing in on victory.
Even some of Mr. Trump’s longest advisers, like former Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, said publicly that he needed to have actual evidence to make the claims he was making.
Mr. Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris pledged to be ready on Day 1 to tackle four main priorities for the new, Democratic administration after four years under Mr. Trump: Covid-19, economic recovery, racial equity and climate change. バイデンは、Covid-19、経済回復、種族平等、気候変動を優先政策として、政権を立ち上げるようだが、トランプ政策逆転に意欲的に取り組むと言うことであろう。
“A Biden-Harris administration, propelled by the foundation laid by the transition, will lead a just and equitable recovery that rebuilds a strong, inclusive middle class and builds an economy for the future,” 戦後数十年黄金時代のアメリカの民主主義を支えていた健全な中間層の復活、これが、国是として希求されれば、健全な資本主義の復活も望み得る。
BAIDEN BEATS TRUMP(バイデン、トランプを打倒)
In Speech, Biden Urges End to ‘Grim Era of Demonization in America’(バイデンは、アメリカの極悪非道の恐ろしい時代を終らせようと訴える)
Biden Wins Presidency, Ending Four Tumultuous Years Under Trump(トランプ政権下の恐ろしい4年間に終止譜を打とう)
‘A time to heal’(和解の時)
Biden and Harris triumph over Trump, but president does not concede(バイデンとハリスはトランプに勝利、しかし、大統領は落選を認めず)
Biden plans immediate flurry of executive orders to reverse Trump policies(バイデンは、トランプ政策に反対する緊急大統領令発令を計画)
Trump, a president obsessed with winning, spends the day refusing to admit his loss to Biden(トランプ大統領は勝利に執着して、バイデンへの敗北承認を拒否)
Trump supporters insist election isn’t over as they protest his loss in state capitals (トランプ支持者は、トランプの敗北に抗議して選挙は終っていないと主張)
Trump’s bid to discredit election raises fear that he will undermine a smooth transfer of power (トランプの選挙を信用しない訴訟が、政権のスムーズな委譲を阻害する恐れを引き起こす)
政権委譲につて、NYTの「Trump gets the news while heading to a golf outing.」の記事で、次のように報じている。
Aides said Mr. Trump has no plans to immediately concede defeat as his campaign vowed to continue waging the legal battle across the country in a last-ditch effort to somehow reverse the stream of ballots that delivered the White House to Mr. Biden. In a statement, Mr. Trump said Mr. Biden is trying to “falsely pose” as the winner.
“The simple fact is this election is far from over,” the president said, less than two hours after tweeting the false claim that “I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!,” which drew a warning from Twitter that it was premature. “Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated.”
Mr. Trump’s advisers said they do not believe he will attempt to deny Mr. Biden from taking his place in the White House in January. But they described him as in complete denial that he has been fired from the presidency and said he is refusing to abandon his accusations that Democrats stole victory from him.
The president’s tone — in his statement he accused Democrats of wanting “ballots counted even if they are fraudulent, manufactured, or cast by ineligible or deceased voters” — was a sharp contrast to Mr. Biden, who called for unity in a nationwide address Friday night as it was becoming clear that he was closing in on victory.
Even some of Mr. Trump’s longest advisers, like former Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, said publicly that he needed to have actual evidence to make the claims he was making.
Mr. Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris pledged to be ready on Day 1 to tackle four main priorities for the new, Democratic administration after four years under Mr. Trump: Covid-19, economic recovery, racial equity and climate change. バイデンは、Covid-19、経済回復、種族平等、気候変動を優先政策として、政権を立ち上げるようだが、トランプ政策逆転に意欲的に取り組むと言うことであろう。
“A Biden-Harris administration, propelled by the foundation laid by the transition, will lead a just and equitable recovery that rebuilds a strong, inclusive middle class and builds an economy for the future,” 戦後数十年黄金時代のアメリカの民主主義を支えていた健全な中間層の復活、これが、国是として希求されれば、健全な資本主義の復活も望み得る。